Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Tragedy and Redemption of Akemi Homura (Part 1)

Akemi Homura was alone without a family or friends.

The depression that resulted from this fact led her astray as a typical human being to become vulnerable to witches and familiars. However, her fate changed when she met Kaname Madoka.

And so, Homura came to know at least one person who stood by her side as a teacher, protector, and a loving friend. When Madoka was killed by Walpurgis Night, she wished she could save her best friend's life; an innocent wish of a girl who had nothing else but one true friend.

It is generally considered foolish to look at the past in regret. It doesn't even need to be said how foolish it is to wish for somebody to be brought back from the dead. After all, all living things die according to the irreversible balance of nature. 

Therefore, Homura's wish completely neglected the laws of nature, which eventually led to her fall into hopeless despair.

Is Homura's wish to protect Madoka a selfless wish based on a pure and innocent heart, or was it a foolish wish since it defied nature itself? 

TESTING PHASE (DAY 1) Support Notes

I created a thread on My Anime List (MAL) seeking support for this new blog project. Although the thread only survived for a mere 30 minutes before being completely shut down, I did in fact receive around 5 different comments on the blog, which I am very thankful for.

Thank you MAL community.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Tragedy of Miki Sayaka

Miki Sayaka; The fighter of justice; The hidden warrior.

She fought from the shadows solely for the purpose of saving the lives of others. With sheer will power, she struggled to defeat not only witches, but their familiars as well. Since familiars do not drop grief seeds, killing meant that more dirt would be added to Sayaka's soul gem without compensation. This neglect for herself in order to save others, which most would say is a result of her naivete, eventually led to her death.

Is her naivete proof of her innocence and purity of her heart, or is it proof of her selfishness?

Based on the answer to this question, would you say that Urobuchi, (writer of Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica), presented Miki Sayaka as a true heroine?

The uncertainty of this question is proof of the depth of Miki Sayaka's character.